24. April 2009 : April 24th 2009

DECISION OF THE FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY (FME) on a sixth amendment to the decision of the FME dated 21 March 2009 on the disposal of assets and liabilities of Sparisjódabanki Íslands hf., ID no. 681086-1379, to New Kaupthing Bank hf., ID no. 581008-0150 and the Central Bank of Iceland.

17. April 2009 : April 17th 2009

DECISION OF THE FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY (FME) on a second amendment to the FME decision, dated 21 March 2009, on the disposal of assets and liabilities of Sparisjódur Reykjavíkur og nágrennis hf., ID no. 540502-2770.

17. April 2009 : April 17th 2009

DECISION OF THE FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY (FME) on a fifth amendment to the decision of the FME dated 21 March 2009 on the disposal of assets and liabilities of Sparisjódabanki Íslands hf., ID no. 681086-1379, to New Kaupthing Bank hf., ID no. 581008-0150 and the Central Bank of Iceland.

7. April 2009 : April 7th 2009

DECISION OF THE FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY (FME) on a fourth amendment to the decision of the FME dated 21 March 2009 on the disposal of assets and liabilities of Sparisjódabanki Íslands hf., ID no. 681086-1379, to New Kaupthing Bank hf., ID no. 581008-0150 and the Central Bank of Iceland.

5. April 2009 : April 5th 2009

DECISION OF THE FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY (FME) on an amendment to the FME decision on the disposal of assets and liabilities of Sparisjódur Reykjavíkur og nágrennis hf., ID no. 540502-2770.

3. April 2009 : April 3rd 2009

DECISION OF THE FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY (FME) on measures according to the acquisition contract between Sparisjódur Mýrasýslu, ID no. 610269-5409, and New Kaupthing Bank hf. ID no. 581008-0150, dated 3 April 2009.

3. April 2009 : April 3rd 2009

DECISION OF THE FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY (FME) on a second amendment to the decision of the FME dated 17 March 2009, on the disposal of obligations of Straums – Burdarás Investment Bank hf., ID no. 701086-1399, to Íslandsbanki hf., ID no. 491008-0160, etc.


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