Complaints Committees

It is important for consumers to have an easy and fast way to resolve their disputes with an out-of-court possibility. The Complaints Committee on Transactions with Financial Firms and The Insurance Complaints Committee operate in accordance with an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Financial Services Association and the Consumers' Association of Iceland as of 1st of January 2022.

Guðrúnartún 1
105 Reykjavík

Call +354 578-6500

For further information see the homepage

Complaints Committee on Transactions with Financial Firms

The Complaints Committee on Transactions with Financial Firms deals with disputes between consumers and credit institutions, securities firms, or the subsidiaries of such financial firms. Complaints are received via email to

Insurance Complaints Committee

The Insurance Complaints Committee deals with disputes concerning liability for compensation between clients/consumer and insurance companies. Complaints are received via email to

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