Positions that are considered to be prominent public functions

Individuals who are or have held prominent positions in public service, together with their immediate family and close colleagues, are considered to be politically exposed persons, cf. Article 3(6) of Act no.140/2018 on Measures against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.

Obliged entities must have appropriate systems, procedures and methods for assessing whether a domestic or foreign customer or beneficial owner is a politically exposed person, cf. Article 17(1) of Act no. 140/2018, but in those circumstances increased due diligence shall be performed, pursuant to Article 13 and meet the requirements of Article 17 of Act no. 140/2018.

The Central Bank of Iceland shall maintain a list of positions in Iceland that are consider prominent public functions, cf. Art.10 of Regulation no. 1420/2020 on politically exposed persons with regard to measures against money laundering and terrorist financing. According to the same article, the list shall be published on the Central Bank of Iceland's website. The list includes the position and name of the institution, association, company or political party, as applicable. The list is based on the provisions of the regulation and on information from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and political parties that have elected representatives in parliament as of 1 February 2021, cf. Article 11 of the Regulation.

The specification of positions and the publication of the list below does not affect the obligation of obliged entities, pursuant to Article 17 of Act no. 140/2018, to assess at any given time whether a domestic or foreign customer or beneficial owner is a politically exposed person, but the list can be taken into account in the assessment.

List of positions that are considered to be prominent public functions

Published on 1 February 2021 I Updated on 11 March 2024

The President of Iceland and Ministers

Name Position
The office of the President of Iceland
President of Iceland
Prime Minister's Office
The Prime Minister
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
Ministry of Justice
Minister of Justice
Ministry of Education and Children
Ministry of Education and Children
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs
Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs
Ministry of Health
Minister of Health
Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs
Minister of Culture and Business Affairs
Ministry of Infrastructure
Minister of Infrastructure
Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate
Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Social Affairs and the Labour Market
 Minister of Social Affairs and the Labour Market
Ministry of Food, Fisheries and Agriculture
 Minister of Food, Fisheries and Agriculture

Members of the Althingi

Name Position
People's Party (Flokkur fólksins)
Members of the Althingi
Alternate members of parliament who have taken permanent seats in the Althingi
Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn)
Members of the Althingi
Alternate members of parliament who have taken permanent seats in the Althingi
Center Party (Miðflokkurinn)
Members of the Althingi
Alternate members of parliament who have taken permanent seats in the Althingi
Pirate Party (Píratar)
Members of the Althingi
Alternate members of parliament who have taken permanent seats in the Althingi
Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin)
Members of the Althingi
Alternate members of parliament who have taken permanent seats in the Althingi
Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn)
Members of the Althingi
Alternate members of parliament who have taken permanent seats in the Althingi
Reform Party (Viðreisn)
Members of the Althingi
Alternate members of parliament who have taken permanent seats in the Althingi
Left-Green Movement (Vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð)
Members of the Althingi
Alternate members of parliament who have taken permanent seats in the Althingi

Individuals on the boards of political parties



People's Party (Flokkur fólksins)
Board members
Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn)
Members of executive boards
Center Party (Miðflokkurinn)
Board members
Pirate Party (Píratar)
Members of executive boards
Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin)
Board members
Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn)
Members of executive boards
Reform Party (Viðreisn)
Board members
Left-Green Movement (Vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð)
Board members


Supreme Court Judges, Appeal Court Judges and Judges with special courts and Icelandic judges with international courts

Name Position
The Supreme Court of Iceland
Appeal Court
Labour court
Case Review Court
National Court
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
EFTA Court
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)


Top-ranking officials at the Central Bank of Iceland and the Auditor General

Name Position
The Central Bank of Iceland
Deputy Governors
The Icelandic National Audit Office (INAO) Auditor General  


Ambassadors and Deputy Ambassadors

Name Position
Embassy of Iceland in Beijing
 Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Berlin Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Brussels Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Helsinki AmbassadorDeputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Kampala Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in CopenhagenAmbassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Lilongwe Ambassador
Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in London Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Moscow Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in New Delhi Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Oslo Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in ParisAmbassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Stockholm Ambassador
Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Tokyo Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Vienna AmbassadorDeputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Warsaw  Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors
Embassy of Iceland in Washington D.C. Ambassador Deputy Ambassadors


Board members and managing directors of a company owned by the Icelandic state

Identification number
Name Position
5210002790 Auðkenni ehf. Board members Managing director
5112032950 Farice ehf. Board members Managing director
7110110990 Icelandic Trademark Holding Board members Managing director
5502100370 Isavia ohf. Board members Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
7012966139 Íslandspóstur ohf.  Board members  Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
5005070550 Keilir Miðstöð vísinda, fræða og atvinnulífs Board members
Managing director
4710080280 Landsbankinn hf. Board members Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
4402022920 Landskerfi bókasafna hf. Board members Managing director
5808042410 Landsnet hf. Board members Managing director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
4202691299 Landsvirkjun Board members Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
6709060190 Matís ohf. Board members Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
6608770299 Orkubú Vestfjarða ohf. Board members Power Company Manager
5202692669 Rarik ohf. Board members Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
5802141180 Vigdísarholt ehf. Board members Managing director


Icelandic representatives in international organisations and institutions

Nafn Starfsheiti Starfsheiti Starfsheiti
World Bank Managing director Deputy Managing Director Board members
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Managing director Deputy Managing Director Board members
EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) Managing director Deputy Managing Director Board members
EEA Grants Managing director Deputy Managing Director Board members



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