The FME has published information concerning the laws and regulations adopted in Iceland in the field of prudential regulation and supervision in accordance with the Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) guidelines on supervisory disclosure.
The FME has processed figures showing defaults by borrowers of depository institutions at the end of the 4th quarter of fiscal year 2006 and comparable figures for the preceding quarters.
The FME has calculated the effects of simultaneous shocks on capital ratios of the largest Icelandic banks as described in Rules No 530/2004, with later amendments.
The FME has processed figures showing defaults by borrowers of depository institutions at the end of the 4th quarter of fiscal year 2006 and comparable figures for the preceding quarters.
Samkvæmt túlkuninni skulu allar breytingar á réttindum sjóðfélaga, þ.á.m. hlutfallsleg aukning eða skerðing áunninna réttinda, koma fram í samþykktum lífeyrissjóða og sem slíkar hljóta staðfestingu fjármálaráðuneytis skv. 28. gr. laganna.
During 2007 the finance ministries, the financial supervisors and the central banks of the Nordic and Baltic Countries will take part in a financial crisis simulation exercise.