30.8.2007 : The FME grants Askar Capital an operating licence as an investment bank.

The Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland has granted Askar Capital, an operating licence (authorisation) as an investment bank , according to Article 4 of Act No. 161/2002 on Financial Undertakings.

30.8.2007 : CESR Press Release:

CESR publishes second set of guidance on the implementation of the Market Abuse Directive.

29.8.2007 : The FME grants Straumur-Burðarás Investment Bank an operating licence as a commercial bank

The Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland granted Straumur-Burðarás Investment Bank, an operating licence (authorisation) as a commercial bank.

23.8.2007 : Icelandic banks pass the FME stress test

The three Icelandic commercial banks and Straumur Burdaras Investment bank, all pass the regular stress test of the Icelandic Supervisory Authority (FME).

17.8.2007 : The financial results of the Icelandic insurance companies in 2006

The profits of the Icelandic non-life insurance companies was about 19,5 billion ISK in 2006 compared to 20,2 billion ISK in 2005.

13.8.2007 : Foreign UCITS offering services in Iceland

More than thirty foreign UCITS with ca. 240 sub-funds have notified to the Financial Supervisory Authority in Iceland their intentions to market their funds in Iceland.

9.8.2007 : Comment on the half-year results of the Icelandic Commercial Banks.

Comment from Jónas Fr. Jónsson, Director General of the FME, in relation to an article on the half-year results of the Icelandic Commercial banks in the Icelandic business paper Markaðurinn (The Market):

7.8.2007 : The Financial Services Authority in Iceland (FME) and the Dubai Financial Services Authority sign a MoU.

The Financial Services Authority in Iceland (FME) and the Financial Services Authority in Dubai (DFSA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

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